Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Made in Israel

I'm sitting in the conference room, reading to the Professor his bio for the 50th time and stumbled over the words "he taught at the seminary" calling it "cemetery". I tried hard to stifle my laugh. How morbid could one get?

See - I was terribly annoyed at Hubby for pulling out the flowers from the garden. He didn't wreck all of them, just the cute violets by the rocks, because he thought they were weeds. And I was stressed because the counselor at ex-Criminal's reformatory called to tell me she needed us to bring her when we visit her an assortment of things like: batteries, conditioner, shampoo, a family photo, and Parliament cigarettes.

"I thought you guys supply everything for them." I said.

"Oh, we only supply things that are Israeli-made, and they're paid for by the State of Israel."

Finally, something the State of Israel is paying for, instead of taking from us, I thought. I guess they don't serve the Palestinian-brewed Taibeh beer. Hubby's been buying Palestinian cigarettes from his friend Abed because they're 1/2 the price of those sold in Israel. But Parliament ciggies will have to be bought for my daughter by us. It's not Israeli-made and the State of Israel will not give them to her. They will only poison her with Israeli-made Time cigarettes.

My Nasty Daughter, who came along for the ride to the reformatory this morning with us for visiting day, claimed that smoking cured her cough. She tried the over-the-counter cough medicines, as well as perscriptions and the only thing that cured her were cigarettes. Go figure.

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