Saturday, June 04, 2005

Hello Dalai

A very interesting article in today's Haa'retz magazine. First of all, I've been meaning to contact Rabbi Gafni about our peace work because he is not your conventional rabbi and because I feel a closeness to non-conventional spiritual beings - be they rabbis and/or llamas or popes and sheikhs.

Plus the fact that there seems to be a spiritual connection between India/Tibet/Tibetans/Buddhists to Israel/Judaism/Israelis - and India, particularly Dharmsala, is high on my hit list of places to see before I get too old to travel.

But what raised my eyebrows (way up) was the fact that this Rabbi actually talked sex with His Holiness. I was like - what if they guy doesn't know what you're talking about?? Maybe he's never had it. Slow down Rabbi."

But maybe if you are on a holy level, you don't think of it as I do and certainly not as Hubby does - as in wham-bam-thank-you-maam. Maybe Holy people think of sex on a different level. Who knows. I'll never be on that level anyways. And I certainly would never have had the guts to talk about sex with the Dalai Lama if I had a chance for an encounter. No, no, I would truly shudder at the thought.

But the part I absolutely thought was the greatest was this one - and I quote

"The rabbi takes out the fabric he bought in the market the day before, orange silk cloth such as the Tibetan monks use. He asked an Israeli woman named Idit to sew tzitzit (ritual fringes) in each corner and then he had a totally kosher tallit (prayer shawl). With much grace and decorum, he presents it to the Dalai Lama.

"Ho!" the Dalai Lama calls out, moved. "This is wonderful Jewish-Tibetan merger. How wonderful." After the rabbi explains its kabbalistic meaning to a very attentive Dalai Lama, he wraps himself in it, chortling delightedly. Then he gives us white silk scarves, as is the custom when parting - and gets a skullcap. He and the rabbi embrace and their love for each other is felt by everyone. Everyone bows to the Dalai Lama; he bows in return and leaves.

I was caught in the garden. Suddenly the Dalai Lama emerged from behind me, wearing the skullcap and prayer shawl, on the way to his next meeting. "I am a Tibetan Jew! A Tibetan Jew!" Pleased as punch he was."

I would have given anything to see a photo of this.

To see the full article click here


Anonymous said...

Before contacting Gafni you might want to do some homework:

He just might be too "unconventional".

Unknown said...

If those reports are true - OY VEY.

Unknown said...
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