Saturday, August 05, 2006

Cussing the Tee Vee

I spent most of my evening on Thursday looking at Nasrallah's image on TV while he was threatening Israel again with missiles in Tel Aviv if the IDF attacks Beirut.

"Fuck you, you piece of shit!" I said to him, hoping he'd hear me through the tv glass and throwing a pistachio shell at him.

There I was, Mrs. Peacemaker of Jerusalem, suddenly hurling more "F" words at him than Hezbullah's missiles being flung at us daily.

Has it boiled down to this for me?

I'm actually royally pissed off at him and his cronies for fucking up all my plans to visit Beirut one day and take a lovely drive through their once-lovely country and take in some seaside cafes. I'm not the only one who had that vision. But that seems so far off now by light years.

And it seems like it will never end. Each side waiting for the other to be the first one to stop. Well none of them want to be the first. And if they do stop, and Hezbollah does not change its ideology, which it won't, otherwise they won't be called Hezbollah, my fear is that they will only re-arm and re-group and make a stronger attack against us next time. And other similar groups like them might see how difficult it was for the IDF to "smash" them and may join in the conflict to "liberate" the country from us Jews. So what can we really do? It's like if I could ever come face-to-face with a Genie, one of my wishes would be that every militant Islamist be turned into a peace-loving, whirling dervish Sufi. But Genies are hard to find....


Anonymous said...

One of fantasy books that I read a while ago had a creation/birth of a new god. One of the very first tasks he did was to turn the weapons of groups like Hizbollah into flowers.
It's good to dream...

Anonymous said...

Are you not glad your son and daughters are not at the front? So sorry anyone must be!!! Another Jerusalem lady I write to has 2 sons at the heart goes out to all involved!! My hubby says we need to put all the politicians in the world in the same place and maybe the rest of us could get along!!

Unknown said...

Elizabeth, I must admit your Hubby is right on (and they're usually not!). Where can we put these politicians??? Perhaps that's why spaceships were created.