Saturday, April 16, 2005

Readin' 'n' Writin' in Arabic

Hubby was up at his usual 5:00 am - despite the fact that it was Saturday and he didn't have to work. I woke up hours later and let off a very loud fart, which sent him flying into the room

"What did you want?" He apparently thought I was calling him.

Men. Shows you what they understand and how they understand.

I am watching tv with Arabic and Hebrew subtitles. I can understand some of the Arabic words now. I CAN ALMOST READ!! I CAN ALMOST READ!! What a whole new wonderful world it opens up for me.

Plus I can show off now.

Especially when my eldest daughter called me a shitball this afternoon. And I wrote it for her in Arabic. Here, look at this - I showed her proudly.

"This is how you write "shitball" in Arabic."

She dare not swear to me now in a string full of curses. I'll end up making her sit down and watch me write them out in Arabic.

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