Tuesday, May 31, 2005

God - what more d'ya want from us!!!!

I dunno. I watched the Israeli movie Ushpizin over the weekend - a strong movie about all things going wrong over the Jewish holiday of Succot for this newly-Chassidic man and his wife but they never lose their faith despite everything and things turned out the way they wished in the end. A happy ending.

I knew the day was not gonna go ok from this morning - we got a notice from the City that it's unlawful to have plastic storage sheds on your balcony. Our balcony is huge and could fit 10 of them. But after Hubby bought the 2nd one, either a jealous neighbor or a city employee passing by complained about it. We have one month to remove them - even though there's no storage space inside our home. Hubby invited the engineer to our home. The engineer wanted us to bring him floor plans. We don't have floor plans - we are renters. But go explain anything to these people.

That was the least of our troubles today. Hubby had to go to debtor's court and I had to go to my Criminal Daughter's reformatory to see where they would put her at the end of the month. Hubby tried to get out of debtor's court, but some creditor's lawyer was there making it difficult for him. Meanwhile, the ex-Criminal felt awful about her dad not being there. I tried to explain that Dad would go to jail if he didn't show up in court - but try explaining anything to a self-centered 15 year old. The judgement for her was harsh. They felt she still needed additional protection from the outside influences and guidance and therapy and are putting her in a place similar to where she is now - only much closer to home. She was miserable thinking she could handle it in a more open atmosphere and cried bitterly. I felt like a helpless mother, but told her it will all be for the good. She must feel like I hate her.

Getting back to Hubby, who couldn't read the applications in Hebrew and didn't have 100% of the things they asked for - just 95% - they froze MY bank account - because Hubby can't have one - and I just said "fuck it." I think God wants us to deal with our debts and settle with all the creditors NOW. Only one is an asshole - the rest will probably settle at a much lower amount. I had a strong feeling about it for a while, but this is the push I needed to really get going with it. Hubby can't leave the country while he is in debtor's court and I feel he has to go see his mother, whom he hasn't seen in nearly 10 years. And this is God's way of telling us - Just Do It.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Best wishes. I am thinking of you all.