Tuesday, September 20, 2005


There's no limits to God's goodness and what He can do. I really believe this more and more. I got a call yesterday from the secretary at the interfaith group.

"Are you interested in going to India?"


"Are you interested in going to India?" she asked me.

I never take hallucinagens. I'm sure I was hearing things.

The phone was shaking in my hand. If my boss called for me at that moment, I'd tell him to wait - a scandal at my place to do that.

She continued - "We'd like you to come to India for a few interfaith workshops."


"November 1 - 7th"

"Oh my God! That's when my bosses are away! I CAN GOOOOOO!!! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU"

I'm sure she thought I was totally insane. We're visiting the holy sikh city of Amitsrar. I couldn't believe my ears. Sikhs. The Chassidim of India. Last year when in Barcelona I met up with the Sikhs who were hosting us for meals. They had a replica of the Golden Temple there. I sighed and told them how beautiful it looked. I felt a pull and wanted to go there to see the place - after Dharamsala of course, which was my first choice.

Looking on a map, I see it's not far from Dharamsala. I hope I can make a trip over there to see the Buddhist city and maybe even meet the Dalai Lama, as my nephew just did recently.

"Shalom Aleichem, Aleichem shalom" said the Dalai Lama to my nephew. My nephew thought he was at a Chabad house (the "open house" of Lubavitch Chassidim), the man was so warm and friendly.

I told some friends about it and said a trip to India had been on my written wish list for a year now, as was a car and a house.

"I better get a wish list going" said a good friend of mine.

"Yes, you'd better. There's no limit what God can do for you. I already have a house and car on that list. Let's see what happens, although I had no idea this trip was ever going to happen."

I told Hubby about the good news and he thought it was the miracle of the Debtor's Anonymous group, where many members experience miracles upon working the program. We had a Pressure Relief meeting the night before when someone who was in a financial crisis called us to brainstorm with them. They were an hour late, which disturbed me plenty, but we had the meeting and Hubby helped them out more than I could have.

He complained to me this morning -

"You got the miracle and all I got was a friggin' bad headache."

Ain't God grand.


Andrea said...

Ohh I am jelous!!!
I cant wait for you to tell us all about it!

Anonymous said...

I'm very, very happy for you!!
After all, good things do happen to good people

Anonymous said...

and what did you call the cat

anaxila said...

I am so happy for you! Which I suppose may sound weird coming from a stranger, but I've been reading your blog for a while and feel like I know you, even though I've never commented.

Ever since my first trip to India three years ago, I've spent as much time here as I can. It's a magical place. I would love to visit Amitsrar and Dharamsala, so I am very jealous. I'm limited to visiting various southern sights on my weekends lately, but I'm still hoping for some time in the north later this year. Please be sure to tell us all about it!