Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I felt sad over the weekend. My son is growing up to be a man. I don't know whether that is a good thing or a bad thing. He brought me all his kiddie pajamas and said kids his age don't wear those to bed anymore. They were white with cartoon figures on them. Sure. He's 13. He wears track pants to bed. An era is over. We went through all his stuff and through out all the size 12 stuff. Actually we left the clothing outside the garbage for the bedouin to take. The bedouin won't take it if you give it to them. They are too proud. They wait for people to leave stuff near the dumpster and if they see whatever is useful in a public area, then they'll take it. I've seen the kids look inside the garbage and fish out things. But I'll put the clothing on the sidewalk near the trash for easier "fishing." And he gave me a list of suitable colours for him to wear. White, black, blue and grey only. No greens, oranges, purples, reds. I hope he's not getting as bad as the girls.

Last evening we had a class picnic/barbecue in the park with his class as a getting-to-know-each-other thing. It was great and we felt so comfortable. I made friends with a couple more mothers and there was one other American mother. Turns out she is a messianic Jew, and it didn't take Hubby long to flush that one out of her. She's alot of fun, and as long as she doesn't proseletize and tell me I'm going to burn in hell, we'll get along just fine. But son warned me at the onset of the picnic "not to talk to me while I'm with my friends." Who wants to talk to kids anyways. Not me. Keep away. But in the end, he came over and actually sat near me.

Men - Part II

Hubby took me out to dinner today. He never ceases to embarrass me in public, but my love for wining and dining overpowers any embarrassment I may feel so I cope. I asked the waitress what she recommends and told her I like meat very soft. She shook her head and told me it wasn't "that" soft. Hubby said to her -

"Why don't you learn to lie."

"Honey, I want her to tell me the truth about the food here. Is that so terrible?"

He then looked around the place and saw we were the only "secular" Jews around. Everyone else was ultra-orthodox. He asked the waitress for a kippah and then said he was only joking. By then they realized he was nuts.

"You are the only woman in this place wearing pants besides the waitresses."

We both laughed. I was also the only person in the crowded restaurant eating with chopsticks.

Our meal was ok - nothing really special. They went heavy on the cornstarch for the sauces. I took my fork to slide the servings onto my plate. Hubby - also known as Mr. Manners - tells me I dirtied up the plate and should have taken a spoon for cleaner serving.


We went to get our bill. Luckily I had a 10% off coupon which we were only too happy to use. We ordered sushi but it came without Nori seaweed. I was appalled. The waitress said the nori wasn't "kosher" enough for this establishment.

"But the wasabi is?"

At least they had that. And pickled ginger.

I picked at my teeth and Hubby glared - "Don't do THAT in public." Fortunately I have floss in my purse just for when we get back in the car.

We got up to walk around and saw the older, more picturesque part of the restaurant.

"Oh so this must be the smooching area" said Hubby while the ultra-Orthodox couples in that area glared at him. They never smooch in public.

Outside he tells me "I told the maitre d' the food was good but we're never coming back here again."

"Aren't you the charmer! They probably don't give two hoots because the place is packed and it's only Tuesday."

We went to pick up my kids who were clothes shopping. I happily flossed my teeth in the car, away from the restaurant patrons. I would think Hubby would approve. He didn't.

"Don't floss your teeth in front of people."

"They're not people - they're our kids."

And I thanked God that at least I had teeth to floss.

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