Monday, March 07, 2005

Weekend conversations

I found it difficult to blog at home, especially with my Bully Children who are overly eager to ICQ while I just begin to sit down at the home computer. As a result, they won't see me until very late tonight as I'm doing after-hours thing at my office (no - I'm not having an affair - I'm too old for that shit - I'm just sitting at the computer, getting more knowledgeable by the minute, dears). And I'm blogging with no one hanging over my shoulder and it's ever so pleasurable.

I remember some of the conversations I had over the weekend - with Tamer who wanted to throw parties or raves for Jewish and Arab young people at places in the desert near Jerusalem, accessible to both Palestinians and Israelis. And the British Aid agency worker who agreed with everything I said by repeating it.

She: My government (British) is useless.

Me: Yes, Blair is Bush's puppet.

She: Yes, Blair is Bush's puppet.

Me: And Bush is a cowboy

She: Bush is a cowboy.

Tamer was pissed off royally at the last Tel Aviv suicide/homicide bomber who had fucked things up for all of us.

"Everyone in my village is so mad that this happened and my sister called me from Ireland to tell me how mad she was." he told me. There was no giving out sweets in his village, when the tragedy hit. I was really happy to hear that though.

Speaking of Bush, I couldn't stop smiling when Abdullah came to visit last night because of his resemblance to the White House Master. I thought - hey, honey, who's your daddy. Really. It was hilarious. And he was going on (not Bush but my guest) about one state for both peoples and stuff I agreed with him about.

"The governments don't want peace. Because they buy arms and bombs and planes and it's big business. If there's peace, their business will go bankrupt" he told me.

Sounds real to me.

"Just one hour - ONE HOUR!!! - without my government and your government. Just leave the people together and we'll have peace. JUST ONE HOUR"

Wow! I think we could all find one hour in the day for this. N'est pas?

1 comment:

Deb said...

Count me in.

"Just One Hour" has a nice protest chant sound to it, doesn't it?
Just One Hour
Just One Hour
Just One Hour
Just One Hour

from Deb, under the fascist thumbs of the Bushmasters