Saturday, May 15, 2004

Day of Rest

Saturday is our day of rest. The Sabbath. Though I don't practice observing the Sabbath in the Orthodox manner, I don't do anything that would seem like work. Once I volunteered on the Sabbath and it tired me out - it seemed too much like work. Not having to drive anywhere (unless it's to do something chilled out), just chilling out around the house, watching tv, blogging, wrestling the computer away from my son (that too seems like work - so I let him have it for most of the day). I think God knew what He was doing in delegating one day a week for doing nothing. I'm planning for an already hectic week. Work will be hectic and I'll be working some 11 hour days. But time for myself. Let's see what's on the agenda for that. Nothing at all during the week. However - Friday there are choices. If we had money I'd be going on a weekend hike on the Hermon - but chances are with a birthday coming up and $ coming in so sparsely, I can go on a hike closer to home - about 1/2 hour away. This is a 7 hour thing. Or, on Saturday afternoon, Jeanne White Eagle has this Sweat Lodge thing going at this beautiful rural place just outside Jerusalem. I've never done that before. It's like a spiritual sauna - that probably smells better than one because they put all sorts of herbs like sage, lemongrass, etc. on the heated rocks. Women were asked to sweat in either dresses or bathingsuits with sarongs/skirts wrapped and men have to wear bathingsuits. It's more modest than being in a spa. I'm thinking about it. It sounds healthy. It sounds good for me. I think I need this.

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