Monday, May 24, 2004

What Intifada?

My 12 year old son and I went to the Jerusalem Circus today. The performers are Jewish and Arab youngsters and the audience was also a good mix. I met Jeremy there and he brought a busload of 5 and 6 year old Bedouin kids from the Jahalin tribe close to my town. It was great to see a group of kids who would otherwise never be able to afford such a performance - not that it was an exhorbitant price. It was a mere $6 but they wouldn't be able to afford even this. It may have been the only entertainment they have gone to ever in their lives. I told them I was their neighbor and their teachers immediately invited me on the bus back with them. My son was horrified. He'd rather take a city bus than go on with a busload of Arab children. I thought it best that we allay those fears immediately and vetoed the city bus thing. After the show, we hopped on and I understood that we wouldn't be able to sit together - boys with boys and women with women. He asked me why we couldn't sit with each other, I said it was like an Orthodox Jewish bus - the men with the men, etc. But I sat a row behind him. The women, who were covered from head to toe, passed around nuts and snacks. I was the only adult woman without a head covering. One thing Jews and Arabs have in common is heavy snacking on the bus. And forget about seatbelts -
because there wasn't even enough seats for everyone. However they told us to come on the bus anyways. Hospitality rules over safety here. It was funny getting off the bus and seeing the look of the soldiers at the checkpoint wondering what we are and why we were on that bus. It's so pre-1964 Deep South, isn't it? Jewish people riding around in Arab buses does not happen here. Except for one crazy mother.


Mary J. said...

i love your blog. i have strong feelings about the middle east conflict, though have no business expressing them to anyone. i am a (new) middle school teacher in georgia (US not russia). so, teaching tolerance is something on my mind. beautiful writing.

goesh said...

Good for you, lady - some people can go where they want to if they harbor no ill feelings towards anyone for any reason - maybe people can sense that in you - i suppose a tree could fall on you about as easy as hamas blow you up - me, i might like to look around there but not live there

Anonymous said...

I heart moving blog. My compliments and keep up the good work.

News is Good said...

I am also moved by your words. Thankyou!

Brian C. said...

I've really enjoyed this blog. You live an interesting life and I think you should be proud of the courage you have in such a time.

? said...

Thank you for sharing your life and experiences. Prayers and blessing to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

first of all, great post.
i thought you may be interested in a program called "seeds of peace" for your son: it takes american, israeli, and palestinian youths and brings them together to talk about social issues, and to live together and learn more about eachother. im not sure of the URL for their site, but i'm sure you can find it on google, if you're interested...

Anonymous said...

isent!quero present!
dralco malfoy
this is porcarie!

Anonymous said...

You live in such a different world from myself that I cannot imagine what this is like. We see what the news tells us of your world and yet we know this is only a view of what the U.S. wants us to see and hear. You are so very strong my heart is with you.
I am from New Zealand.

siren said...

wow...what a change from BBC. I hope more people read what you give hope to what seems to be a slowly unraveling world.

Elizabeth said...

Hello! I was wondering whether you could comment in my class blog:, or you can just go to my profile and click on the link from there.

Why? Because one of my friend have a very skewed perspective of this. Among other things, she wrote:

" However biased the press is, I'm not ignorant, mind you. Favouring the Jews is the last this I would do. They have already controlled US, and I'm pretty sure they are taking over Turkey. And what is this sypathising with their past oppression? Aren't they out of this problem now? The world has done their part to 'give back' what the Jews needed. "

I wish someone could tell her. I done my best and posted many posts against it, but my knowledge of Israel-Palestine conflict is very sketchy.

Oh, and I love your blog, I have been reading it for some time now.

Vegard Wikeby said...

You enriches the world in the most beautiful way. May God be with you, you in Him. Live long and prosper.

Vegard Wikeby said...

You enriches the world in the most beautiful way. May God be with you, you in Him. Live long and prosper.