Saturday, May 22, 2004

Meet the Georgian (or "Gruzini") whore

First thing this morning,someone at the local "makolet" - which translates to your neighborhood small grocery store called me a "zonah gruzinit" - A gruzini whore. I wasn't so much insulted at the insult because at my age, maybe it's compliment to look like one? Even one from Gruzin, which is this in English! I was insulted at the reason why this bozo called me one. I hadn't been there in a couple of weeks, and got to see my one of my favorite people who works at the store. His name is Raed and he's a Palestinian from a nearby town. He's always as happy as shit. For no reason. He jokes with everyone, is incredibly loud and I've never seen him upset, sad, miserable, like the rest of us. He only smiles and dishes out compliments to everyone he speaks to. His happiness is contagious and I was in need of some happiness and looking at him being so happy in his simple job made me happy. We greeted each other warmly and held hands like long lost friends. He likes to practice his English on me, and the customers heard us talking and were surprised that he knew English. One man - the Bozo - said to me in English right in front of him - "watch out he's an Arab. He'll cause turmoil." I told him, the guy certainly is not a Hamas-nik. "Not all of "them" are you know." I bought some pastries from Raed and the Bozo waltzes over to Raed and asks him how he knows this "gruzini whore" - not realizing that I understood his Hebrew. Raed laughed and looked at me- "She lives here. She understood what you said." Bozo seemed embarrassed and apologized to me. I told Bozo - you know what a mensch is? Raed would never speak to me and about me like that. He's a mensch. You're not. Simple as that" I wondered with these kinds of attitudes towards Raed, how much longer would he continue to be so happy.

1 comment:

Brian C. said...

That kind of makes me sick, but I guess you can find people like that all over the world. Some people are just rude, but the best are like Raed.