Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Yemin Orde

I'm off work until August the 9th and was generously given a laptop for home use, in case people at work need to e-mail me and in case I need to edit reports, etc. The kids and hubby looked on gleefully as I spent an hour trying to set up the cables, etc. "No PORN please" I warned Hubby. In case my company is a "big brother" type that watches what you do - last thing I need is for them to peruse what I did and see all these porn site crop up when they check the last Internet sites I viewed. As for the kids, I'm terrified of computer viruses. Last one killed my home computer. So I'm not giving them my password and there's no ICQ and no Kazaa and they can turn blue in the face from wanting .... but I'm firm about this. Scrooge mama. There.

I'm going to Yemin Orde this morning for a 2 day seminar with the coordinators of our interfaith group. This came at a good time as my company is closed (with the exception of my workaholic bosses) and I didn't have to ask for any special favors to get the time off. I don't know really what's in store but that's the exciting part. I've also never been to Yemin Orde which looks highly interesting. I'm told it's a gorgeous place. My friends at the Peace Cafe have gone off to Jordan - I could join them at any time, but feel awkward travelling there alone and I'm lazy. I just want to stick around close to home these days. I just have to listen to my soul and see what it wants.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guarding the work computer is NOT stingy! It is smart! Never too late for a kid to learn they don't get EVERYTHING they want! Seems they might want to keep their standard of living by having a mom with a job! Hang tough there mama!
