Saturday, January 08, 2005

Last of Dad's Estate

My brother told me he just received a whopping $250. This is the last of my deceased dad's estate that just came trickling in.

"It's not so much", he complained to me - as if, why bother even getting excited about it.

But to me, it was a goldmine. Certainly, I don't believe my brother ever rode in a black limousine before as I had done, broke as a bone, on Wednesday with the office staff. But I hadn't held bills in my hand for 2 weeks now and I felt giddy as I loaded the $ into my purse.

I ran to my work to download e-mails and see if Hubby had any leads for work. Yes. Two leads! A downpour!

I ran to the shuk to shop for the weekend, and I felt drunk with excitement at having 2 week's worth of food money. My eldest daughter's boyfriend - the Persian one - just opened up his very own store in the shuk and I needed some paper plates, cups and other household things. Why not give him the business. But as I loaded up and was ready to pay - he refused to take my money. Even after I showed him I actually had some. What a world. I wish every store was like this. Then I'd be rich and take vacations and get manicures and pedicures. Maybe even a massage.

I had reserved a space to plant trees on the green line border with Rabbis for Human Rights. That was yesterday. That was before I thought I'd have money to shop. I opted for breakfast out with my girlfriend after my food shopping spree, and sent Hubby, the dedicated chauffeur, back to the house with all the goodies.

I brainstormed with her about ideas for me to get some more cash and not have to depend on Hubby for a second income. I advised her to dump her new pot-head boyfriend, even if the sex is good. "You can do it yourself" was my sound advice. We watched a busker playing Dylan stuff for money in the open part of the shuk. "Do you know him"? I inquired.

"Nah, he'll probably be my next boyfriend. He's from Nachlaot (the neighborhood by the shuk). They're all scraps from Nachlaot." We howled loudly with laughter and went our ways.

Hubby mentioned to me that Richard Gere was in the papers today because he is encouraging the Palestinians to vote in Sunday's elections.

"Where is the article?" - this day is just getting TOO good. Money from my dead dad, food shopping without debting, breakfast out with a best friend and now an article about Gere.

"That fucking Buddha" was all Hubby would tell me about him, and off he sauntered into his cave.

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