Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Help me - I'm drowning

It's one of those weeks at work. I should really be relaxed - more relaxed than usual because my main boss is away. He's an elderly man who I have to call by his title. I really resented it at first, because I'm not into hierarchies of any kind, but I got to understand him and respect him for what he is. He taught me alot. I work in a small place, but since I'm the main point person for any English work done in the company, I get swamped. Every time I put the phone down, someone else is calling for a message for this one, and I should call this person and make appointments for this one, and charge this one's palm pilot or order me this and order me that, edit this report and edit that report, file this and file that with no one knowing but the HR guy that I do hundreds of things a day. And to top that off, Hubby stops in either before I start work or right when I have to leave - for me to type up this quote for him and e-mail it to this person and fax it to that person, I just need to SCREAM. And after that instead of going home to relax today I have to go to an excrutiating painful end-of-year party for my 5th grader - all boys. So, I won't be getting home until late. I nearly forgot to arrange for transportation for my 14 year old Criminal daughter to get her bus tickets for camp. While I'm typing this - and this is after work hours - I've got people asking me to check this person's calendar and popping in say goodbye - I've got no time to say goodbye folks. I really need a place to chill. I've got 7 minutes to finish this blog, (now it's six) and take my coffee cups down to the kitchen. And while I close these chaotic thoughts in my head I have to breathe slowly and thank God that my Criminal found a school whose teachers and staff love her. She even commented (after not being in a school since February -and this is June) that they hadn't thrown her out of school after two weeks like all the other schools did. They deal with kids with behavioral problems and don't expect them to learn right when they get there. They just do their own thing. But their own thing can be working with animals, computers, carpentry, crafts, gardening, sports, music, etc. They even got my daughter performing at the end of year school party as part of duet and she had only been there 2 weeks. So - they also invite famous Israeli singers to sing with the kids and they video taped the sessions. Interesting place and a very warm one. I guess I needn't feel so harrassed after all. Plus I'll need to change her Pseudonym if she keeps this up.


timx said...

maybe she likes her pseudonym!

Hannah Grace said...

If I was your kid I'd be pleased and pissed with hte pseudonym at the same time. Pleased coz it actually sounds pretty cool. Pissed because sometimes I might think that my mom really doesnt think much of me... But it always works out in the end as long as you talk so readers don't sweat it. I envy her for her school!

Anonymous said...

I really don't know how you tolerate working with/for that man.
