Friday, June 25, 2004

Wish lists

Ever compile them? I've done them in my Debtor's Anonymous program, where we'd be asked to list everything we want - no matter how atrocious sounding. Some of mine are grandoise and may never come to fruition - like a 3 month world cruise or an apartment in New York. Others are more practical and do-able within time. It's having the patience to wait to get them (without having to buy them on a charge card) that's an issue - like a home computer, a digital camera, a printer, screens for the windows so the stray cat - whose become buddies with my dog - doesn't enter our home during the night and help herself to leftovers on the kitchen counters or sink or garbage. Others are on my immediate list - like jeans for my son, and sandals for my daughter as my dog chewed up her wooden ones I bought her last month, a haircut and some makeup for me. Oh and not to forget the the pleasurable stuff I'd like to do during the summer - like having breakfast in one of the many beautiful restaurants that have sprung up in the Jerusalem hills with decadent all-you-can-eat buffets. Or visit one of the numerous spas they have here with their quiet ambience. Most of them are in the Galilee in rustic areas. And what do I do for my daughter's graduation gift? Take her out for dinner? Have a mother and daughter day in Tel Aviv? She hasn't a clue what she wants and that's a dangerous area for me because it'll turn out to be absolutely nothing if she continues to want nothing. And I'll have to be the social planner here. She wants to go to Eilat but over there the nightlife starts at close to midnight and usually entails going to some dance club with godawful electronic music. Isn't there anyplace around anymore that plays some good James Brown? So she'd rather do that one with friends, and I don't blame her. I did manage to cross out one thing I wrote down on my monthly wish list - which was getting the tiny front garden together. I bought enough plants to make me happy this month - most of which are daisy-like flowers and scented jasmine. I used to crave a large garden where I could plant all the biblical trees and plants like a fig tree, pomegranate tree, myrtle, etc. but I'm content these days with this small one. I think that's the trait I'm going to need to work on the most. Being content with what I have and those wish lists will shrink from five pages to one.


Esther said...

I have lists of lists! Sometimes it's a lot more fun compiling one than actually getting around to do the stuff on the list.

David said...

Yeah i never finish my lists it always easier to write them down than to do it The World Around The World

Andrea said...

A mother-daughter day is probably the best thing you can do with your daughter. Especially if you dont do it very often. Being like young woman and not as a girl. The cafe and an adult restuarant. Clothes for a woman and not a high schooler. Looking in all those silly knicknack stores you never had time to go in. Pretending you have money and trying on clothes.No presurres and no future, just two women.
I never did that enough with my mom, and when we did she had a habit of destroying it by questioning every future plan I had.
Just be girls together. She wont realize what a great day she had until much later but she will thank you for it.