Thursday, June 10, 2004

A Muslim Call For Peace

OK - I've heard many remarks from various readers about how surprised they are at attempts for peace in this country. And not all of it comes from Jews. Here is an interesting article from a prominent Islamic author, Harun Yahya.


Anonymous said...

Dear Leah,
Cheers for posting that, if only mainstream media would take a cue from these truths rather than selling the violence, tears and heartache that polarises the People of the Book. Like I said earlier, I believe the conflict is about land and water rights, not a religous conflict. Religion is brought in and manipulated to justify behaviour that is fundamentally unjustifiable. There is no doubt there are spiritual attachments to that land, but how much blood must be shed until we realise we are depraving our own religions?

Qais Mujeeb said...

The article really points to perspectives which have been ignored. Rather than finding similarities and negotiating on differences, we tend to focus more on the differences. All this has resulted into the current indefinite war of religion and races.

If we really aim at establishing peace, all of us need to go through a lot of introspection.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I've been thinking about this article and (surprisingly) I have a problem. Yahya emphasises that Jews and Muslims should unite against those who hate us (pagans, communists, and atheists). Surely this is not the best reason he can come up with for people to unite. How about uniting towards something constructive and generative rather than in defence? An alliance based upon a common enemy surely isn't going to make for lasting peace. Secondly, assuming that all pagans, communits, atheists hate 'us' is a big call, and rings of the often-used policy of creating a monolithic enemy to mobilise support. In fact it is the classic 'us' vs. 'them'. Of course racism and genocide are forces to be reckoned with but these are not issues exclusive to Muslims and Jews. Surely trading one hatred for another isn't a step towards peace.
Having said that, his article is an important step towards bringing about recognition of common truths and insh'Allah towards a lasting and regenerating peace.