Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Quotes from the Koran

At our interfaith meeting yesterday, I was quite surprised and pleased to learn that the Koran promotes peace, reconciliation, etc. It's unfortunate that many regimes do their own thing and don't promote these particular characteristics which are much more humane. And that terrorists show Islam in a bad light.

Some quotes:

1) "Believers are brothers - spread reconciliation among your brothers". We were told that "believers" do not just mean Moslems, rather anyone/everyone who believes in God.
2) "Spreading enmity between people is worse than murder" - So all those regimes that spread lies about Judaism and Christiantiy - take heed.
3) "No obligation in religion" - that is to say, that a Moslem must not oblige others to embrace Islam or he must not oblige others to pray or fast or follow the Islamic rituals. He can only adivse others to do so but not oblige. - Those Taliban guys in Afghanistan were doing it all wrong and the Iranians and the Saudis....

So if Islamic heads of state really took these verses to heart, wouldn't the world look different today?


Anonymous said...

Guess ppl r so driven to get something outta religion to suit themselves tat it got twisted somewhere somehow, resulting chaos on the rise.
Saw a rainbow today, God reminder me of His promise to Abraham n his decendants His covenant n protection. Stability amongst chaos is possbile afterall :)

Anonymous said...

The Kuran does NOT promote peace. You really need to read it in Arabic in total against your own religious document to see the truth.

Deborah White said...

I'm enjoying your blog. Fascinating to learn about daily life in Jerusalem. Thanks!
Debi White
Southern California

Jack said...

Absolutely right on the money. Peace is a wonderful thing if it is practiced. Many times, however, it is distorted and other "stuff" gets in the way and blinds the people. So the sheep lose sight especially if their shepherd loses his first. The world would be quite different. My prayers are with you my friend.

Anonymous said...

I really like this post, being a Muslim college student in America, it's often times hard to get this message across. For the person that said that the Qur'an does not promote peace, actually if you do study and read Qur'anic Arabic or the English, you would see that it not only promotes peace, but love, respect, loyalty, balance, justice, and perseverence, not only in worship but in every day life. There's a really good book, "What Everyone Should Know About Islam and Muslims," by.. Suzanne Haneef I believe? Anyway she was a nun, but converted to Islam. I think you should check it's interesting. Also books by John Esposito, he didn't convert to Islam, but has studied Islam extensively and even taught it at Georgetown University. Speaking of America, y'all should catch Farenheit 9/11, I haven't seen it, but I heard it's interesting.

Anonymous said...

Give me a break. The Koran promotes hate. Don't take my word for it, get a copy (Penguin has a good translation) and merely read 5:51-5:74 and see how the Koran tells that Christians are stupid and Jews are evil - unless they practice their religions according to what the Koran says is appropriate. How tolerant! Also, be sure to see 9:39-9:92 for proof that 'jihad' has nothing to do with some supposed 'inner struggle' but is all about conquest and rape and pillage. 9:39 states simply 'If you do not go to war, He will punish you sternly...' Frankly, this is as far as I got in this book before I gave up in disgust. Maybe some of you have stonger stomachs and can read the rest.