Thursday, June 10, 2004


When my not-computer-savvy Hubby was told by yours truly that I featured him in the only photo on this blog, he responded as such: "WHAT! What if someone from Al-Quaida is reading this??? Now they'll be after me." Heh heh, yeah right. I mean who knows who is reading this stuff, but going "after YOU???" It's funny how this paranoia stuff is all around me and I try to just shake any traces of it off my shoulders. My dad - may he rest in peace - was such a man. He would sniffle and 20 bottles of God-knows-what-kind-of-medicine would show up on the kitchen table. I'd cough and he'd scream "GET AWAY FROM ME!!", or even better - "STOP IT!" My eldest daughter - the Vain One - saw a dot in the pupil of her eye. I told her she has had that tiny cataract since she was born, a specialist checked it out shortly thereafter and it was nothing to be concerned about. "Are you sure?? Is it dangerous" And she called her boyfriend and 20 other friends about it to make sure she wasn't going to die. Then she went to see a nutritionist for a health-maintenance diet. It's especially difficult when you have a hubby like that. There are some good sides to it. Like him being paranoid that Israeli income tax authorities are constantly watching him with spy cameras and tapping his phones, so he does record all income properly. At least that. But there's the time my kids joyfully told him "The taxi driver asked mom if she was married" and then I had to sit down with him for an hour explaining that most taxi drivers are over 65 (I lied) and I would never leave him for an Israeli cab driver because they always have to be king of the road, and no, I didn't give him my number and he wasn't too attractive and YOU my darling are the most fairest one of all.


timx said...

I suppose almost all the worlds problems start out as a bit of paranoia!

Esther said...

*chuckle* sometimes some of us just want a little reassurance that there are people that care about our health and well-being

Richard said...

Your husband does sound a bit on the paranoid side. That being said, I've found that my wife, who has little interest in my blogging vocation reacts similarly. I've uploaded various photos of our son to my weblog & she feels that I'm exposing him to unnecessary public attention. While I respect her views, I don't think she understands the nature of the blog world, which is that it is a "community." And that I feel as a member of that community I'm being a good citizen by talking about myself, my interests & the things that are important to me (like my son). I've never posted a photo of my wife.

I've created a post called Why We Blog, which talks about the alienation between bloggers & their loved ones who are ambivalent or outright hostile to blogging & the tension this causes in relationships.

BTW, I welcome you to the blog world. It's nice to have another blogger with your views on the I-P conflict. I have a blogroll of similarly minded bloggers & I'll add your blog to it. Baruch ha-ba!