Wednesday, January 11, 2006


The rain is pouring down over Jerusalem like the blessing it is supposed to be. I don't mind it one bit now that I'm working in a well-heated office. The homes can get cold and are a fortune to heat, so we are racking up the bill at home. Sometimes Hubby puts on the heat a bit too high - like 26 degrees C. And we have thermostat fights, while I sneak by and lower it down to 22 degrees.

Besides the rain, Sharon is said to be improving, which lightened up my mood a bit. Don't know why - I never really cared for him before.

His Kadima replacement, former Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert is also making me happy by noting that Jewish people tearing up Arab-owned olive groves will be punished. There has been a wave of that in the West Bank areas. He also wished the Arab ministers and Arab political friends Israel has contacts with - a Happy Eid Al Adha. Sounds like he will probably get my vote the end of March.

Hubby has been quite good at overcoming his Pot addiction, going to meetings every week in Jerusalem and yesterday for the first time in 20 years, actually did homework with my son, who has been terribly behaved in school, which had me worried. He spent hours on preparing him for his English exam. I could see Hubby was slurring his speech, he was so tired, but he kept on at it, while I did laundry in the background. I even kissed his bald head, I was so touched by this patient father and son bit.

My daughters have been great too. They are having a competition - who can make Mom happier. Last week Hubby and I went out for dinner. My Eldest daughter called to say she is showing up at the restaurant and we shouldn't leave without her. She footed the bill. Of course, she told everyone about her Good Deed, which prompted my Second Oldest to foot the bill when we had a lunch special at 5:30 pm at a new Chinese restaurant downtown. Gee, I love my kids. Who cares that they don't pay rent, so long as they wine me and dine me - every week. I'm sure I won't see such generosity like this all the time, but it is nice when it crops up.

Meanwhile my Eldest Daughter is frantic that she will have to vacate her cubby hole, she calls her bedroom and share a room with Second Oldest daughter, when the Ex-criminal gets out of her hostel next year. So she is stuffing her room with all sorts of shit - furniture, a new tv, speakers, and shoes and boots and bagfulls of lord-knows-what. Then she'll tell me there's no room in that "Other Room" for her to move there. It looks crazy in there.

There was a Quebec film crew that met with me yesterday. They want to film me - sometime next week because I live in a settlement and because I'm a grassroots peace-worker. And they don't hear about those in Quebec. So wow. I'm gonna be a documentary film star.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that is great, congrats. By the way, we are having a free Rolling Stones concert in Brazil in February, how lucky are we?

Unknown said...

Too lucky. Damn. The Stones won't show their faces in Israel - although they were rumored to be "thinking about it". Enjoy the concert and think of me.

Anonymous said...

Hello! Dreaming of moving back to Israel ... again... so thought of you and had to stop by! We're in NYC at the moment. My husband's entire family is scattered all over Israel and it's just too enticing to stay here without family and really good friends. Plus, who wants to raise kids here? We are only raising 2 klevim at the moment but kids will come eventually. Okay, enough ranting from me. Congrats on the movie star news! We always knew you would be discovered!


Anonymous said...

why dont/do we get shit in England?

Andrea said...

FILM!! Too damn cool. I am going to wathch it!!!

As for the rest of life, it seems things are starting out as a happy new year!!

Unknown said...

Hi Blanche, I looked at your website. I love unique jewellery. Hope you can make it to Israel and open up a store. New York is great for fun - I even miss it sometimes.