Friday, January 13, 2006

Yellow and Black

My Ex-criminial daughter is punished, and can't come home for the weekend. Stupid her. She ran away to her boyfriend on Tuesday and slept over there and cut school the next day. I told the Hostel where she was and she showed up 24 hours later, after I warned her the police had a warrant out for her because she is under the Hostel's care and she ran away from them. This dick of a boyfriend does nothing for her or to help her. She is constantly going out of her way to visit him, to be with him, even to the extent that she knows she'll be punished for her actions. Teenagers in Love. This whole thing could make me puke.

I shouldn't have bought a coat for my son because he can throw a mean fit in the stores if he doesn't get what he wants. And he's 14 not 4. He threw a fit at Hubby because he wanted a coat that cost over $100 (a small fortune for a coat here). It was one of those name brands like Adidas, Kappa. But he does need a coat because he outgrew the one he did have and it's cruel not to clothe your children, even if they're awful.

I tried taking him with me today, but the lines at the bank was really long and he grew impatient, telling me I'm letting everyone in front of me. What really ticked him off was telling him that I needed to first go to the health food store before looking for a more inexpensive coat outside of our town in the industrial section. He trounced away from me like I had major cooties.

I was glad I decided to shop alone and not bring Hubby who looked like he was in need of a 100-year sleep. I was out for a joyful 3 1/2 hours, going slowly, thinking about whether I really "need" that particular item, perusing the aisles slowly, not stressing out because I knew Hubby would be huffing and puffing away like an angry dragon because I took too long and he is wasting his life away while I'm spending all "his money".

I looked at discount coats for my son. There wasn't a big selection in his size. I finally found a coat. It was a reasonable $30. It even had a brand name - Diadora. It also came in yellow and black - my son's favorite colors. Those are the colors of Betar - Jerusalem's soccer team. My son's favorite team.

I like soccer. I really do. It's similar to hockey, which I was an avid fan of, when I lived in the States and Canada. You have to get the soccer ball in the net and you score!! Wow! It doesn't take a genius to figure out the goals of the game.

But I was self-conscious about buying him a yellow and black coat - the clothing of choice for Betar fans. Betar fans are known for being anti-Arab, for the most part. There was an awful game at the beginning of the week where Betar fans and Sakhnin fans (Sakhnin being an Arab-Israeli town in the Galilee) went at it ferociously, with 20 people ending up in the hospitals. The fans tore up the recently opened stadium in Sakhnin and were cursing each other even before the game started. From what I saw on tv:

Betar fans: Your village should burn down.

Sakhnin fans: Betar is a whore, Betar is a whore

The police foolishly let the fans hash it out after the game by opening up the gates to the field, and the damage was done. It was frightening to watch on tv - which they replayed every day on the news.

I was hoping that no one would think that by me carrying this yellow and black coat around the store, that I was one of "those" fans. I was hoping people wouldn't notice. And I know he'll be happy I bought him a coat in his favorite colors. I was wondering, after I paid for this coat, if I should have bought it after all. Because looking like an out-and-out Betar fan, at the moment, is not something this mother is happy about.

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