Saturday, August 21, 2004

Saturday musings

I began my day by walking our dog early this morning, before anyone in the city was up. He was so happy, just walking and running and chasing birds. He's half bassett hound and half golden retriever. He's smart as a whip. He knows commands like "Sit" "Get the cat!" "No pulling" and best of all "No humping!" which is usually accompanied by a slap. Our friends daughter was here from Sweden and is leaving tomorrow. A very bright 20 year old, we sat down and had a wonderful conversation about religion, the interfaith work I'm doing, music, etc. She's a student of Philosophy in education. Meanwhile, my children in the background, were boisterous. My son was doing karate chops and practicing on the dog, my 16 year old snarled at us all muttering "fuck" alot, and my 20 year old was on the couch with her boyfriend, giggling loudly while he was plucking something from her teeth. I was wondering what this bright young girl thought while all this is going on. Then Hubby comes around with his pearls of wisdom. "Wanna know why dogs lick their nuts?" Why do they, our guest politely asked? "Because they can!" and off he went howling with laughter. Oh Jeez. Will I ever be able to invite anyone over to the house without feeling like hiding in embarrassment. Why do I feel like I've living in Dogpatch with L'l Abner? Even the Flintstones seem more civilized that us.


timx said...

Yeah, but hubby was right!...because they can! You can parallel that to a few governments in the world!

Mimi's Pa said...

There's another version of a dog licking his beytsim joke.

"Two good old boys--Fred and Earl--observe a hound dog licking his jewels. Fred says to Earl, 'Boy, I tell you what, I wish I could do that. Earl considers the comment for a moment then replies, "Don't you think you should buy him dinner first?"

Anonymous said...

so sorry to hear about your embarassment....

today had the honor of having DuDu Fisher performing a in a solo concert at our church...was magnificent...Israel is so blessed to have such a talented man who holds dearly to his Faith....
Awesome...sang a few jewish songs and was really fun :)

Unknown said...

parallel that to governments??? now you have me on the floor rolling with laughter. Of course, now I get it. These governments act like dogs/animals.

family culture? more like primitive caveman culture, I would say. Oh well....